Toyota list implicates Arab States in ISIS funding


TEHRAN (FNA)- Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Jordan have been involved in purchasing 60,000 Toyota pickup trucks that have been supplied to the ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Toyota customers’ list in the Middle East shows.

After photos of hundreds of ISIL’s Toyota pickups seized or targeted by the Syrian Army were sent by the Russian army to the Toyota Company in Japan, the company revealed a list of its main customers that have bought the vehicles.

The customers’ list shows that a Saudi firm has purchased a sum of 22,500 trucks, Qatar 32,000, the UAE 11,650 and the Jordanian Army 4,500 vehicles from Toyota company. The Jordanian Army had received loans from several Saudi banks for payments.

A large number of the purchased-vehicles by the four Arab countries have already been delivered to the ISIL terrorists in Syrian and Iraq.

Informed sources have confirmed that ISIL has received over 60,000 Toyota vehicles.

The US official had previously announced that they want to conduct a probe to find out that how ISIL had received these vehicles, but analysts said further that Washington itself had been involved in export of hundreds of these pickup trucks to Syria.

Meantime, informed sources revealed in May that certain Persian Gulf Arab states which were customers of the western arms manufacturing companies plan to supply the militants in Syria with state-of-the-art missiles.

“The Arab countries have purchased advanced weapons from the West for the terrorist groups in Syria to be used in the Northern and Southern parts of the country,” sources told the Palestinian al-Manar news website.

Following the terrorist groups’ painful failures in Syria at the time, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar were attempting to smuggle these weapons to Syria, the sources added.

In relevant remarks in October 2015, a Saudi official announced that his country had supplied the militants in Syria with a new batch of TOW antitank missiles as the Syrian army forces backed by Russian warplanes continue to gain ground in the war-hit country.

BBC correspondent Frank Gardner tweeted that a Saudi official confirmed the delivery of 500 TOW antitank missiles to the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA



This only confirms what has already been established, that some Arab states are funding and supporting terrorist groups in the region. However, instead of being prosecuted and held accountable for endorsing terrorism, world powers and organizations are turning a blind eye to this fact.

The situation is indeed sardonic as the same states that have planted and are nourishing the roots of terrorism are allegedly taking part in the operations to pluck them from Syrian and Iraqi territories.

The Iraqi and Syrian governments have launched operations to eradicate ISIS from their countries. Several other states have joined this task in an attempt to prevent the terrorist organization from further expanding in the region, or so it seems.

For regimes like Saudi Arabia and Turkey, good will is a long shot. Toyota’s customer list serves as evidence to Riyadh’s and three other states’ involvement with ISIS. In fact, it clearly shows that they are providing logistical support for the militants.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Jordan have joined the anti-ISIS coalition in Syria, supposedly taking part in airstrikes against militant positions.

Yet this is a smokescreen that aims to cover up the real role these countries are playing in the war on Syria. Simply put, these countries are on ISIS’s side.

Providing highly efficient Toyota trucks is only one way these states are helping ISIS maintain its presence in Syria and Iraq.

The Washington Institute has published a report, denying Saudi state-sponsored terrorism but acknowledged that funds are being transferred from the country to militant groups.

“Arab Gulf donors as a whole — of which Saudis are believed to be the most charitable — have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to Syria in recent years, including to ISIS and other groups. There is support for ISIS in Saudi Arabia, and the group directly targets Saudis with fundraising campaigns, so Riyadh could do much more to limit private funding,” the report states.

In October, an email US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to her campaign chairman John Podesta in 2014 was leaked.

The email mentioned that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are both giving financial and logistical support to the ISIS and other extremist groups, according to a recent Wikileaks release.

“While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” Clinton wrote.

In 2009, when Clinton was US secretary of state, she signed a memo that described Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest source of funds for Islamist militant groups.

Three other Arab countries are listed as sources of militant money: Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE.

Clinton, however, is not the only US official who has revealed this fact. During a speech at Harvard University in 2014, US Vice President Joe Biden suggested that Turkey, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates had extended “billions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of weapons” to Sunni fighters trying to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. However, he was later forced to make an apology to appease the US allies.

Turkey is no stranger to this group of suppliers who are backing militant groups in Syria and Iraq. In fact, Ankara came under the limelight when the Russian General Staff said Turkey was delivering the al-Qaeda linked al-Nusra Front terrorist group with arms shipments across the border on a daily basis. Turkey is also responsible for the infiltration of militants to Syria through its border.

The list can go on. But for now, the Toyota list must suffice to implicate Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Jordan in the killing of the Syrian people at the hands of ISIS. By supporting and funding such a group for whatever political agendas they may have, these foreign sponsors are guilty of bloodshed in war-torn Syria and Iraq as it is obvious that terrorists could never sustain their activities without unyielding support from regional and international powers.



Toyota list implicates Arab States in ISIS funding


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