29 – 31 January 2019 – London, UK

The premier meeting ground for the surface fleet community.

Join Surface Warships 2019 to:

  • Enhance your understanding of ship design priorities to retain maritime superiority against near-peer opponents
  • Improve battlespace awareness by meeting leading solution providers of combat management systems, mission planning software, and sensor systems
  • Inform your organisation of national shipbuilding strategies and modernisation requirements of NATO Navies to formulate winning business proposals
  • Upgrade unit lethality by meeting leading solution-providers of air defence, ASW, and surface-to-surface missile systems
  • Retain the competitive edge by formulating design requirements and integrating innovative technology for the future surface combatant
  • Prepare for warfare in more congested, information dominated battlespaces by meeting soludion providers of EW, cyber and space-based technology
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