Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation (draft) #cybersecurity

The site of the Security Council issued a draft information security doctrine, where you can meet some interesting extracts and noteworthy

Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation (draft)

I. General Provisions

1. This doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the doctrine) is a system of official views on the maintenance of the Russian Federation in the information sphere of national security.
In this doctrine under the scope of the information refers to a collection of information, facilities information, information systems and communication networks, information technology, as well as entities whose activities are related to these technologies and information security, and regulatory mechanisms arising from this public relations.
2. This doctrine, based on analysis of challenges and threats and evaluation of national information security status of the main directions of the national interests in the information sphere from the perspective of the realization of strategic national priorities.
3. The legal basis for the Doctrine of the Russian Federation make up the Constitution, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and the international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws and normative legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation.
4. This doctrine is a document of strategic planning in the sphere of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, which develops the provisions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, approved by Presidential Decree on 31 December 2015 number 683, as well as take into account the provisions of other strategic planning documents in Russian Federation in the sphere of national security.
5. This doctrine is the basis for the formation of state policy in the field of information security of the Russian Federation, development of measures to improve the national information security system, including the development of sectoral strategic documents of the Russian Federation in the information sphere of planning or affecting this area, as well as for the development of public relations related to activities in the field of information security of the Russian Federation.
6. In this doctrine, the following basic concepts:
a) the national interests of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the national interests) in the field of information – a set of requirements of the state in ensuring security and sustainable development of the individual, society and the state in respect of the information sphere;
b) information security of the Russian Federation – the state of protection of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats in the information sphere, in which ensured the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of Russian Federation (hereinafter – citizens), a decent quality and standard of life, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the defense and security of the state;
c) information security system of the Russian Federation – a set of forces engaged in a coordinated and planned activities to ensure the information security of the Russian Federation, and the means they use;
d) power to ensure information security of the Russian Federation – public authorities, bodies and officials (commissioners) of state bodies and organizations of various forms of ownership are resolved in accordance with the Russian Federation the task to ensure the information security of the Russian Federation legislation;
d) the means of ensuring the information security of the Russian Federation – the organizational, technical, software and hardware and other tools used by the forces of the information security of the Russian Federation;
e) the information infrastructure of the Russian Federation – a collection of objects of information, information systems and networks situated in the territory of the Russian Federation, territories under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation or used on the basis of international treaties of the Russian Federation.
II. National interests in the information sphere

7. Information technologies have become global cross-border nature and become an integral part of all spheres of activity of the individual, society and state. Their effective use is a factor in accelerating the economic development of the state and development of the information society.
Information sphere plays an important role in ensuring the implementation of strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation.

8. The national interests in the information sphere are:
a) compliance with the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in obtaining and using information, including personal privacy when using information technologies, information support of citizens’ participation in government and political life of society and the preservation of cultural, historical and spiritual and moral values ​​of the multinational the people of the Russian Federation;
b) ensuring sustainable and uninterrupted functioning of the national information infrastructure, including the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation uniform telecommunications network, in peacetime, during the direct threat of aggression, and in wartime;
c) the development of the information technology industry in the Russian Federation, as well as the improvement of the activities of industrial, scientific and technical organizations in the design, manufacture and operation of information security, the provision in the field of information security services;
g) To bring to the Russian and international public and explaining the objective and reliable information on the state policy of the Russian Federation and the official position of its top political leadership on socially significant events in the country and the world, to promote the extension of spiritual and cultural values ​​of the peoples of Russia around the world;
d) fostering international legal regime aimed at countering threats of the use of information technology for breach of strategic stability, strengthening equal strategic partnership in the field of information security, as well as ensuring the sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the information space.

9. Implementation of national interests in the field of information aimed at creating a safe environment circulation of reliable information in order to ensure the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, sustainable socio-economic development of the country, as well as national security.

III. Main threats and the current state of national information security

10. Expanding the use of information technology, as a positive factor for economic development and improving the functioning of public and state institutions, at the same time gives rise to new challenges and threats to national security. This is due to the increasing tendency to use opportunities of cross-border circulation of information in the information space to achieve geopolitical, military-political and other purposes to the detriment of international security and strategic stability, as well as the use of information technology for terrorist, criminal and other illegal purposes.

11. One of the main negative factors affecting the state of the information security of the Russian Federation, is to build the leading foreign countries opportunities for information technology impact on the Russian information infrastructure, including the critical information infrastructure in order to achieve its military goals.
At the same time enhanced management of technical intelligence with respect to Russian government agencies, research organizations and enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

12. Expanding the scale of the use of special services of certain states of information and psychological impacts, aimed at destabilizing the political and social situation in various regions of the world, resulting in the undermining of the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of other states.
This activity involved the religious, ethnic, human rights and other organizations, including the public, and structure, as well as individual groups of citizens. In this widely used information technology capabilities.
There is a trend to increase the amount of material in foreign media that contain biased and biased assessment of the external and internal policy of the Russian Federation. Russian media are often subject to blatant discrimination abroad, Russian journalists are obstacles to the exercise of their professional activities.
Stepping up information on the impact of Russia’s population, primarily young people, with the aim of blurring the cultural and spiritual values, undermine the moral foundations, historical foundations and patriotic traditions of its multinational people.

13. Various terrorist and extremist organizations are widely used mechanisms of information influence on individual, group and public consciousness for the purpose of forcing ethnic and social tensions, incitement to ethnic or religious hatred or hostility, propaganda of extremist ideology, as well as engaging in terrorist activities new supporters. Terrorist and extremist organizations to achieve their illegal objectives are already developing new technologies destructive effect on objects of critical information infrastructure.

14. The scope of computer crime are increasing, particularly in the monetary, foreign exchange, banking and other areas of the financial market, the number of incidents related to violations of the legitimate rights of citizens to protection of personal and family secrets, personal data using information systems and networks .
Methods, ways and means of committing crimes with the use of information technology is becoming more sophisticated.
Increase information security threats against the background of the continuing practice of introduction of information technologies without reference to information security.

15. The condition of information security of the Russian Federation in the field of defense of the country is characterized by a build-up in the use of foreign states and non-state entities of information technology in the military-political purposes for the implementation of actions aimed at undermining the sovereignty and political independence of States and a threat to global and regional security.

16. The condition of information security of the Russian Federation in the field of state and public security is characterized by a constant increase in the level of complexity, scale and coordinated cyber attacks on critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation and the intelligence activities of foreign states against the Russian Federation, as well as the growing threat of the use of information technology to harm the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, political and social stability in society.

17. The condition of information security of the Russian Federation in the economic area is characterized by a lag of the Russian Federation from the leading foreign states in the development of competitive information technology, including supercomputers, and using them to create products and services based on them. There remains a high level of dependence of the domestic economy and industry from foreign information technology (electronic component base, software, computers and communications equipment).
This situation leads to the dependence of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation on the export policy of foreign countries, carried out by them in order to implement its geopolitical interests.

18. The condition of information security of the Russian Federation in the field of science, technology and education is characterized by a lack of efficiency of scientific research related to the development of advanced information technology, low level of implementation of national development, as well as insufficient level of staffing in the field of information security.
Measures to ensure the integrity, security and sustainability of the national information infrastructure with the use of domestic information technologies and products often do not have a comprehensive framework.

19. The condition of information security of the Russian Federation in the sphere of strategic stability and equitable strategic partnership is characterized by the desire of individual states to use the technological superiority to dominate the information space.
There is now a distribution of critical Internet resources between the countries does not allow to realize the equitable sharing of management on the principles of inter-state confidence.
Lack of inter-state relations regulations in the information space and the relevant international legal mechanisms, taking into account the specifics of information technology makes it difficult to create a system of international information security, designed to promote strategic stability and promote equitable strategic partnership.

IV. The main directions of ensuring information security of the Russian Federation

20. The activities of state bodies in the sphere of information security of the Russian Federation is based on the following principles:
law and legal equality of all participants in public relations in the sphere of information, based on the constitutional right of citizens to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any legal means;
maintaining a balance between the needs of citizens and society in the free exchange of information and the necessary restrictions on the dissemination of information in order to ensure national security, including in the field of information;
enough strength and resources to ensure the information security of the Russian Federation, determined including by constantly monitoring threats in the information sphere;
compliance with the universally recognized principles and norms of international law in carrying out activities to ensure the information security of the Russian Federation, taking into account the restrictions imposed by the Russian Federation.

21. The strategic objectives of ensuring the information security of the Russian Federation in the field of national defense are to create conditions for the peaceful development of the information space and the realization of national interests in the information sphere.
In accordance with the military policy of the Russian Federation to ensure information security in the area of ​​national defense, as well as the interests of the Russian Federation, the Allies sent:
on strategic deterrence and prevention of military conflicts that may arise as a result of the aggressive use of information technology;
to improve the information security of the Russian Federation Armed Forces of the system, other troops, military formations and bodies, including the development of forces and means of information warfare;
to identify, assess and predict threats to the Russian Federation and its Armed Forces in the information sphere;
to counteract the effects of information on Russian citizens, including those aimed at undermining the foundations of historical and patriotic traditions associated with the defense of the fatherland.

22. The strategic objectives of ensuring the information security of the Russian Federation in the field of state and public security are to strengthen state sovereignty, maintaining political and social stability in the society, the implementation of fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as the protection of the Russian Federation of the critical information infrastructure.

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