Military History


- Advertisment -   Una storia da riscrivere Il 14 giugno 1943, tre giorni dopo lo sbarco le case del centro del paese di Pantelleria, che erano state risparmiate da 140 incursioni aeree (che avevano invece distrutto tutto intorno al porto ed all'aeroporto), che si erano salvate anche dai bombardamenti navali, furono fatte saltare, invece, sorprendentemente. Perché? Perché si doveva riprendere  su pellicola cinematografica l’effetto dirompente dei bombardamenti...

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TEHRAN (FNA)- Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Jordan have been involved in purchasing 60,000 Toyota pickup trucks that have been supplied to the ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Toyota customers' list in the Middle East shows. After photos of hundreds of ISIL's Toyota pickups seized or targeted by the...
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

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from: Боевики нашли "прекрасный" способ воздействовать на наступающую сирийскую армию. Это смертники... Этот заминированный по самое не могу пикап смертника удалось перехватить Здесь, в Сирии, я видел...

Lebanon and Russia relations

Lebanon–Russia relations  are the bilateral relations between Lebanon and Russia. Lebanon has an embassy in Moscow. Russia has an embassy in Beirut. Both states have cordial relations. 1820s to 1910s Tsarist...
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