#Haftar Threatens #Italy: Hit the Italian ships #Libya #documents


General Haftar

General Haftar from his Facebook profile is conducting a personal battle against Italy. Political tension between Haftar and HoR

General Haftar instructed Tobruck’s armed forces, Marina and Air Force, To stop anyone approaching the territorial sea.







Tobruk Government’s military exercises against ship from the coast.


House of Representatives (HoR)

The Tobruk-based House of Representatives (HoR) has issued a televised statement rejecting any agreements made by the Head of the Presidential Council, Fayez Al-Serraj, with Italy regarding the stemming of illegal immigration in the Libyan waters.

The HoR announced that the request of the Presidential Council’s Head id illegitimate as first it violates the Libyan laws because such agreements must be made by the legislative body (the HoR) and second it violates the Libyan sovereignty.

Italy’s parliament authorized on Wednesday a limited naval mission to help Libya’s coastguard curb migrant flows.

“We warn that the deals made by the Presidential Council are illegal as it is an executive body that has not been given confidence till today by the HoR.” The statement says.

It also warned Italy of violating the Libyan sovereignty by such dubious deals with the Presidential Council, saying that the deal aims at exporting the immigration issue to Libya and returning thousands of African nationals to Libya and thus creating security and stability problems in the country.

“We call on the United Nations to take the needed stance in response to the violation of Libya’s sovereignty by Italy.” The statement indicates.

Libyan National Army of Tobruk


By May 2015 the LNA appears to have five MiG-21s supplied by Egypt. The aircraft seen in photographs show that at least some of these aircraft are MiG-21MFs – a type not previously been in service in Libya – and painted in a brown and yellow camouflage scheme close to one used on Egyptian MiG-21s than on Libyan ones. Recently released Google Earth satellite imagery showed five MiG-21s with this distinctive camouflage at Gamal Abdel Nasser Air Base 25 km south of Tobruk on 21 April. Meanwhile, the UAE supplied additional Mi-35 assault helicopters to the LNA in April 2015, according to the English language Libya Herald newspaper.

Another vehicle produced in the UAE and/or Egypt and has been seen in LNA service is the Streit Typhoon 4×4 armoured personnel carriers. The Streit Group’s main production facility is in Ras al-Khaimah in the UAE. In April 2016 UAE donated a number of Armored Personnel Carriers (APC) and military pick-up trucks to the UN backed Libyan government in Torbuk. The number of vehicles sent by the Gulf emirate is unknown, but a picture posted by the Libyan National Army (LNA) shows dozens of new Panthera T-6 light APCs and Toyota Landcruiser pick-up trucks. The Libya Arab News Agency (LANA) reported in 2015 that the LNA had received 900 of the Panthera T-6 vehicles.

Together with Egypt and Jordan, the UAE defied the UN arms embargo on Libya to become one of the most consistent supporters of the LNA since 2012.


HoR (Tobruk)


Libyan Air Force 


GNA (Tripoli)




Libia Dawn Air Force (LDAF)




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