Drones Attack Russian Airbase In Syria. Attack on Khmeimim. Briefing of the general staff


The study of drones attacking Russian structures in Syria has shown that they can not be done in craft conditions. The coordinates established in the rebel drones in Syria were also more accurate than those that can be obtained by generally available methods.
This was announced by the head of the construction and development of the application of the unmanned aerial vehicle system (UAV) of the General Staff, General Alexander Novikov.

According to him, the results of the analysis of the drones obtained and their application allow us to draw the following main conclusions. “The first – the creation of drones of this class can not be in luck conditions to their development and the use of professionals involved, specially trained in the countries that produce and implement a range of unmanned aerial vehicles.”, – said the general.
Note that the assembly of UAVs, similar to those used by militants in Syria, requires training, knowledge and experience in creating such vehicles.
According to Novikov, the components used for the production of such drone vehicles – the engine, the steering cars, the batteries – can be purchased separately in a free sale. “However, assembling and using them in one system is a complex engineering task that requires specific training, knowledge in various knowledge-intensive areas and hands-on experience in creating such devices,” the general said.

Furthermore, it is specified that the explosives of the drone bombs attacking Khemeymim and Tartus can not be produced even in artisanal conditions, in particular, they are produced in Ukraine. “Preliminary studies have shown that as a basis of an explosive ammunition used PETN, exceeding the RDX capacity.This explosive product produced a number of countries, including Ukrainian Shostka plant chemicals.
It can not be manufactured in makeshift conditions or extracted from other ammunition, “said Novikov.
According to the general, “special investigations are under way to establish the country of production”.
According to the staff, the ammunition on the drone was equipped with metal balls with a destruction radius up to 50 m.
The military has already deciphered the route data from the UAVs captured in Syria and have come to the conclusion that their launch was carried out from a single position.
Note that militants in Syria used drones only for reconnaissance, and isolated cases of this technique were used for shock purposes.
“Until recently, drones were mainly used by aviators to conduct aerial reconnaissance, only occasional cases of their use in the shock version were known,” Novikov said. According to him, as a rule, it was handcrafted drones assembled from parts that were available for free sale.
According to the general, militants have started using quadrocopters of foreign manufacture to conduct aerial reconnaissance and strike in mid-2016.
“In mid-2016 for air reconnaissance and strikes have been applied quadrocopter foreign production.It should be noted that the emergence of new drones types and changes of militants in Syria registered by us within a few days after their reception is available for sale in various countries, “said the general.
At the same time, it was made clear that in Humeimim and Tartous interception systems were created for the detection, fire and electronic destruction and suppression of the entire range of weapons used by militants.
“It should be noted that the Russian Ministry of Defense carried out constant monitoring the use of all types of weapons and military combatants equipment for Syria and it worked the necessary countermeasures.This fully applies to unmanned aerial vehicles. their insurgents use at the Hmeymim air base and in Tartu port has created interconnected systems, which include means of detection, fire and destruction and electronic suppression, “Novikov said.
According to the General Staff, there is a real threat to terrorists who use drones with explosives anywhere in the world and measures must be taken to neutralize it. Thus, according to Alexander Novikov, one of the results of the study drones and their use of the samples obtained allow us to conclude that “the aspect of the real threat posed by the use of UAVs for terrorism anywhere in the world, which requires taking appropriate measures to neutralize it. ”

The general noted that the transfer to the militants from abroad of assembly technology and drone drone programming states that the extent of the threat is not limited to Syria.


from: https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/


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