Beutepanzer: Fiat-Ansaldo L3



  • 16.Polizei-Panzer Kompanie
  • I./SS-Pol.Rgt. Bozen
  • Organisation Todt
  • CV33 from III Battaglione/ 31 Reggimento Carristi

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16.Polizei-Panzer Kompanie

Formed in june 1944. This company have two L40 and eight L3. Employed in Croatia and fought against partisans.


I./SS-Pol.Rgt. Bozen

  Formed in October 1943. The I. Battalion saw action in Istria from the end of February 1944, forming a Panzerkraftwagen-Zug (armoured vehicles platoon) with one Lancia IZM, one AB41 and two L3/33 (one L3/33 and one L3/35), used for escort and reconnaissance.


CV33 from III Battaglione/ 31 Reggimento Carristi

31 Reggimento Carristi is created on 15 july 1937. After further organic transformation, on 3 April 1939, the regiment is framed in the Armored Division “Centaur” and transferred to Albania in October 1939, fought in Greece in October 1940 and Yugoslavia on april 1941. Transfered to Montenegro in July 1941. In beginning of 1943, III Battaglione have 40 L3, some L3 lanciaflamme,  8 Fiat 3000 and some autoblinda. After the armistice of September 1943, parts of III Battaglione continued fighting with the germans. This unit was rarely used during the subsequent stay in Montenegro.



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