Ministry of National Defence Lithuania issued third publication on civil resistance


A booklet with guidelines on how to be prepared for a possible Russian invasion has been published by the Lithuanian Defence Ministry.

The booklet includes practical advice but also images of Russian tanks and weapons for civilians to recognise and will be distributed widely.

Lithuania shares a border with the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea and has a significant Russian-speaking population.(

On October 28 Ministry of National Defence presented the third publication on civil resistance since the beginning of Russian aggression in Ukraine in 2014. The first two manuals on the topic explored nonviolent defence and practical guidance on behaviours during emergencies/war. The most recent guide called “Guide to active resistance” delves into an important topic not touched upon in the previous manuals, which is active resistance of citizens on the territory seized by an aggressor.

“As we witness a growing interest and a wish of the society to actively contribute to national defence, we are committed to continue familiarising the society with the possibilities to actively resist an aggressor and ways to survive amidst war. The new publication is an indication of this commitment we have given to the society back when we presented the first two manuals,” Minister of National Defence said.

The guide was presented at an event at the Ministry of National Defence by Minister J.Olekas, editor in chief Dr Karolis Aleksa, director of International Relations and Operations Department of the Ministry of National Defence, and one of the developers major Linas Idzelis, head of Information Operations Section of the Strategic Communication Department of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.

The new manual discusses possible ways to have an effect on a potential aggressor, provides arguments on what to be prepared to experience from the aggressor. The reader is introduced to the principles of taking part in the armed defence of a state as well as to other types of resistance which do not involve direct usage of a weapon. The guide particularly focuses on survival tips.

Authors of the guide underlined that the advice offered in the book, e.g. on survival, is useful for every citizen even during peacetime.

The manual has been published through cooperation with the Lithuanian Armed Forces and the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union.

The new guide came out in 30,000 circulation. Just like before, major part of it will be given to hand out to Military conscription sections and sub-sections of the National Defence Volunteer Force, several copies will be given to each general education and vocational training institutions, public libraries, libraries of higher education institutions and colleges, and city councils. Just like first two, the manual is also available in electronic format (link).


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