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“Il potenziamento delle Forze Armate nel 1943” Verbale dello Stato Maggiore Italiano del 29.01.1943.

  Tratto da uno degli innumerevoli allegati del libro 'Perchè perdemmo la guerra' del generale Carlo Favagrossa, Commissario Generale per le fabbricazioni di guerra durante...

Intervista a Carlo Vicentini di Achille Omar Di Leonardo

Carlo Vicentini, classe 1917, è uno dei "Ragazzi di Aosta ’41". Partito per la Campagna di Russia con il grado di Sottotenente nei ranghi...

U.S. and Israel reach joint plan to counter Iran #trendwar2018

The U.S. and Israel have reached a joint strategic work plan to counter Iranian activity in the Middle East. U.S. and Israeli officials said...

More military technologies targeted for civilian sector to boost economy

Greater integration will spur innovation and cultivate new engines of growth China will strengthen innovation by developing high-tech industries with military technologies to boost military-civil...


This report presents the conclusions of a one-year mapping study on the development of autonomy in weapon systems. It is intended to provide diplomats and...

AI 2020: The Future of Defence & Security’ Nov 2017 | Artificial intelligence

The 'AI 2020: The Future of Defence & Security' report aims to provide a benchmark by probing the immediate challenges, trends and opportunities that these solutions...
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